Thursday, September 3, 2015

Tatted Handkerchief Edges

Man, I have been distracted the last two weeks. I had a big party for my fifth anniversary and I will write posts about what I made for it, but I haven't taken any photos yet because my mom and I were so busy having fun at the party that we forgot to take any photos. Oops.

In the mean time, I finished a tatted hanky edge a while back, and I'm almost done with another, so I thought I would throw up some pictures of those.

With this one I was practising rings, and reversing my work. It's a pretty simple pattern, 3ds p 3ds p 3ds for both the rings and the chains.

And here is a close-up of the corner of my current project. It's the same pattern as the last handkerchief, but this time I learned how to join the picots in the rings. It's just one tiny difference, but the whole thing looks prettier, flatter, and somehow more finished. I've just got one last edge to go on it and then I'll put up the finished picture. 

I think my favorite thing about both of these edges was putting the ring on the corner. It looks really pretty, if I do say so myself. 

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